Contact Susan Voglesong: to register orreceive assistance with Zoom.
Take a walk into the past with instructor JoshuaGrisé and learn more about the people who share your DNA and brought yourfamilies to where they are today. You’ll learn how to navigate free onlineresources and trace the stories, secrets, and lives of those before you.Additionally, you might even find living relatives you never knew youhad!
Every family has astory, and each of your stories is about to get good!
The introductory two-week round of classes will teachyou how to use the best free, online tools and provide you with individualizedassistance in beginning to trace your own family history.
Week 1: Sunday May 10th4-5pm and Wednesday, May 13th, 8-9 pm
Week 2: Sunday May 17th4-5pm and Wednesday, May 20th, 8-9 pm
Following the introductory two weeks of classes,additional sessions will go into greater depth assisting you with your ownsearches, the Holocaust and Yad Vashem.
About your instructor:
Joshua Grisé isthe son of TAI members Jane and Bill Grisé. As a Korean adoptee, family backgrounds and familial connections areimportant to him. He began his genealogical work for grandparents Fran andWilliam Bloom, eventually reuniting Fran with cousins she thought were lostduring the Holocaust. Since then, he has continued his genealogical work forfamily and friends, leading him to develop expertise in Ashkenazi genealogy andthe Holocaust. During college, he studiedunder renowned Holocaust Studies scholar Wendy Lower, deepening his knowledgeof field research methods. From his home in Los Angeles, Joshua looksforward to sharing his experiences,methods, and tips through Zoom or follow-up e-mails.
Contact Susan Voglesong: to register orreceive assistance with Zoom.
Take a walk into the past with instructor JoshuaGrisé and learn more about the people who share your DNA and brought yourfamilies to where they are today. You’ll learn how to navigate free onlineresources and trace the stories, secrets, and lives of those before you.Additionally, you might even find living relatives you never knew youhad!
Every family has astory, and each of your stories is about to get good!
The introductory two-week round of classes will teachyou how to use the best free, online tools and provide you with individualizedassistance in beginning to trace your own family history.
Week 1: Sunday May 10th4-5pm and Wednesday, May 13th, 8-9 pm
Week 2: Sunday May 17th4-5pm and Wednesday, May 20th, 8-9 pm
Following the introductory two weeks of classes,additional sessions will go into greater depth assisting you with your ownsearches, the Holocaust and Yad Vashem.
About your instructor:
Joshua Grisé isthe son of TAI members Jane and Bill Grisé. As a Korean adoptee, family backgrounds and familial connections areimportant to him. He began his genealogical work for grandparents Fran andWilliam Bloom, eventually reuniting Fran with cousins she thought were lostduring the Holocaust. Since then, he has continued his genealogical work forfamily and friends, leading him to develop expertise in Ashkenazi genealogy andthe Holocaust. During college, he studiedunder renowned Holocaust Studies scholar Wendy Lower, deepening his knowledgeof field research methods. From his home in Los Angeles, Joshua looksforward to sharing his experiences,methods, and tips through Zoom or follow-up e-mails.